
Children, 5 to 7 year olds, are accepted into Kindergarten classes. Kindergarten is divided into Lower Kindergarten, 5 to 6 year olds, and Upper Kindergarten, 6 to 7 year olds. In addition to study periods, children have playtime, singing, poetry recitals, story time, computer-aided learning sessions and drawing and coloring practice, leading to the all-round development of each child.

The subject classes are English, Maths, Science and Myanmar language. Great emphasis is placed on the development of oral proficiency in English through an Immersion Program employing multimedia facilities.

Children are trained to develop intellectually in a pleasant, stimulating environment. Loving care and personal attention is given to children by trained, professional Teachers who help students develop into healthy, outstanding members of society. 

New children entering the Kindergarten must take a placement test.