Facts About The School
ES4E Myanmar Curriculum Private School was founded 2014. In Myanmar, the Ministry of Education has been striving to reform the education policy and education systems. Some education systems have already been approved at PyiDaungsuHlattaw. ES4E was founded in accordance with the current education policy.
Our school includes kindergarten to grade XI, the matriculation class. The school time is from 9:30 to 3:00 pm.
Classes are limited to 25 students each in order that teachers can spend time with students individually. This allows teachers to monitor each students’ progress and allows teachers to tailor lessons to the students’ needs.
The buildings on campus are all air conditioned and otherwise well-equipped. A CCTV system is in place in our classrooms and throughout the campus to enhance the security.
The School Ferry is also available for the students in any Township. For younger students, Child Assistants are also employed to help them have their lunch and to care for their needs.

At the primary level, experienced primary teachers take charge of each class as a Class Teacher together with a Child Assistant.
For the Secondary Level, all Teachers are veteran teachers with expertise in their subject class. A large number of these Secondary Teachers have over 20 years of experience in their subject and many have experience teaching in university classes. These Teachers give your child the best chance to succeed on the matriculation examination!

Admission to the ES4E Myanmar Private School takes place in May and June. Children coming from the ES4E Preschool receive preferential enrollment. The February to June period the school is closed for Summer school.
June to August
September to November
December to February
Extra Curriculum Activities
Students are not coming to school only to study. Schools help students to grow and enrich their lives through socialization. Students make friends and interact with others outside of the classroom. This time is just as important as their study time as it teaches the students how to socialize and become positive, productive members of society.
At ES4E we give the students ample time to enhance their social skills through activities like Karate-Do, Marching Band, Music, Art and Physical Education.